Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Home Stretch

Well we now know what we must do, its just a matter of getting it done.

Darrius emailed me and told me

"So, you can't move the onSubmit method out of the controller. But you can move most of the logic out of that method into a static utility method in a new class, and delegate to that from the controller's onSubmit.

Yes, breaking down the big method means breaking it into more logical smaller methods that are more understandable, which could feasibly be unit tested. From glancing at the controller, I would assume that a lot of what happens in the formBackingObject and onSubmit methods could be broken down. "

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Well This is Annoying

We thought we were close to being done but I'm not sure if everything is as it seems. I emailed M. Seaton and the response was that the builder is the onSubmit and that it needs to be ten lines or better code so we probably have more work than we thought.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Gonna Psych you out in the end

Slow and steady, but to what end

We got the VM working with the 1.4 and we have had a chance to see the module in action and we have started to work on refactoring the code, but I must ask, "is this even needed", because when I was trying to figure out how it worked I found that the module that I'm working on seems to be implemented into the core of the project in the newer version of OpenMRS.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Football is fun

Limited Success

The module that we chose to work on will only work in 1.4 and 1.4 won't work on the VM to allow us to see what the module does. We have been able to find out what they want us to move out of the CohortReportFormController class and put in a separate class and we can do that okay, but it will be hard to change any of the code since we don't know what its supposed to do and can't tell if we messed it up.